We fund and implement sustainable projects and developments by partnering with mission groups, NGOs, and private sector organizations.
But how does that actually work?
Our partners identify the projects, and we serve as the catalyst to provide financing, consulting, and management on these projects. We aim to support projects that fulfill a pressing need or service in communities. These projects go through a pre-qualification process to identify those that have the highest potential to make a positive long-term impact in their community. The pre-qualification process allows us to focus our efforts and prioritize projects that will yield a win-win scenario for all project stakeholders.
Our process is based on the following factors:
Local community support and involvement
Mission and/or NGO community relationship (Length, type and reputation)
Local government support
Ownership of the project. Who will use the structures and operate and maintain them?
Ability for the project to successfully operated and maintained. Is the community willing to be trained and accept the responsibility to properly operate the structures? We create community based organizations (CBO) to operate and maintain our work and ensure sustainability.
Impact to the local community. Energy, water, sanitation, micro-businesses, health, education, worship, community events, etc.
Local interest in sustainable development and willingness to be apply these life models to their community
Favorable building codes and regulations
National government support
Local partnerships (material suppliers, contractors, NGOs)
Interest from other funding sources (MDBs, Foundations, Charities, Churches, etc.)
General need (relief effort, degree of life improvement to the community, etc.)
Helping Families
One Smile at a Time!